Sleep Tonic Belly Relaxer Recipe by Medicine Woman in the Woods


Ginger root: Soothes digestion, reduces nausea, and adds warmth.

Plantain leaf: Rich in antioxidants, aids digestion, and promotes gut health.

Fennel seeds: Eases bloating, supports digestion, and imparts a gentle flavor.

Chamomile flour: Calms nerves, induces relaxation, and enhances sleep quality.


1. Choose an infusion machine or blender: Select the equipment that suits your preference or is available.

2. Pour hot water into the machine or blender: Fill the chosen appliance with hot water, ensuring it's suitable for blending.

3. Cut ginger root into the hot water: Slice the ginger root into manageable pieces and place them into the hot water.

4. Add dried plantain leaves: Introduce the dried plantain leaves into the mixture, providing additional herbal benefits.

5. Sprinkle chamomile flour into the mix: Gently sprinkle chamomile flour over the ingredients, enhancing the tonic's calming properties.

6. Include 2-3 pinches of fennel seeds for digestive support: Add fennel seeds to the mixture, aiding digestion and imparting a subtle flavor.

7. Blend all ingredients thoroughly: Activate the blender or infusion machine, ensuring all components are thoroughly mixed.

8. Allow the mixture to cool if still hot: If the blend is too warm, let it cool down before proceeding.

9. Strain the tonic to ensure a smooth texture: Use a strainer to remove any solid pieces, ensuring a smooth and consistent texture.

10. Optionally, add honey for sweetness: Enhance the flavor by adding honey if desired, balancing the herbal notes with sweetness.

11. Your Sleep Tonic Belly Relaxer is now ready to enjoy!: Your homemade tonic is complete, offering a natural remedy for relaxation and digestion.

12. Sip this tonic before bedtime for a calm stomach and restful sleep: Enjoy your tonic before bedtime to promote a peaceful stomach and encourage restful sleep.

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After savoring this soothing Sleep Tonic Belly Relaxer, you'll find yourself drifting off to sleep with the tranquility of a contented infant. Embrace the restorative power of nature's ingredients and indulge in the blissful serenity of a peaceful night's sleep.

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